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Sustainable Living Room at the UAS Spring Campus Conference 2019

Video of the BSR exchange and gift living room to relax during the conference now online.

News from Jun 19, 2019

As part of the UAS Spring Campus Conference 2019, the BSR also participated with a sustainable relaxation campaign and offered a living room with furniture from the Tausch- und Verschenkmarkt der Berliner Stadtreinigung (exchange and gift market of the Berlin City Cleaning Unit) to linger, slumber and communicate. Every exhibited piece of furniture was raffled off at the university after the conference.

This video was created to give everyone an insight into the project and the active use of the living room during our conference:

The living room raffle did not take place for the first time nor for the last time at Freie Universität. As a result of this cooperation, a number of favorite pieces have already found a new home at the current University Days for Sustainability. Click here for more information on the cooperation.

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