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Evaluation of our virtual UAS Conference

Overall Evaluation of the digital UAS Conference - Workshop Series 2020

Overall Evaluation of the digital UAS Conference - Workshop Series 2020
Image Credit: UAS Team

What would you like to see more of at a future event?

What would you like to see more of at a future event?
Image Credit: UAS Team

Thank you for your feedback on our first virtual event!

News from Feb 26, 2021

Switching our event to a digital event was a big step for us and therefore, we were even more interested in this year’s survey results than ever. Luckily, the feedback overall was mostly positive and most of the participants contributing to our evaluation experienced no or only minor problems in the new virtual setting.

Overall, the majority of participants has enjoyed the conference. Almost a fourth of the respondents of the survey thought the overall balance of digital activities was good. In a future UAS event, most would like to see even more workshop live session. Roughly, 27% of respondents would also welcome more opportunities for exchange with other participants.

Of the few problems encountered the most frequent were technical difficulties with Webex Live Sessions. Some of our participants taking part in the evaluation stated that they had difficulties finding information on the UAS Conference website. Responding to this, we will rearrange our website soon to provide more information. We were especially happy that the majority of participants evaluated the work of the UAS team as helpful (in phone and email contact).

We are particularly happy to see that participants’ expectations of the workshops were met and that all participants agreed that the knowledge and information gained from the workshop participation would be useful and applicable for their work. Respondents emphasized that the exchange with fellow researchers and practitioners from different areas around the world was enriching. The UAS team is currently working on concepts to enhance the virtual exchange in our digital conferences even more – we look forward to sharing this experience with you in our next UAS Conference.

Thank you for participating in the conference and special thanks to all respondents of the evaluation- your feedback is crucial and will help us to offer an even better digital conference experience for you in the coming fall!

We are looking forward to connecting with you in the framework of a future event already!

Your UAS Team

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