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University Alliance for Sustainability: Mission Statement

University Alliance for Sustainability: At a glance

“We, the partners of the University Alliance for Sustainability, see it as our responsibility to actively shape the global sustainability discourse and to address respective challenges by developing and implementing a comprehensive approach towards sustainability. Our joint efforts in research and teaching as well as our exchange of best practice in campus management will make the University Alliance for Sustainability an incubator for change at our home institutions and a world-leading sustainability model for other universities.“ UAS Mission Statement 2015

Governance and Communication

The Network Board meets every two years (2015 and 2017). Additionally, regular communication between the respective project managers ensures an ongoing dialogue.

Network Board
President and Inter-
national Officer UBC
and Inter-
President and Inter-
national Officer
and Inter-
and Inter-
Prof. Dr. Dr.
Klaus Töpfer,
Patron of the
      Project Coordination
(Sustainability & Energy Management Unit FUB)  
Steering Comitee (Freie Universität Berlin)        
President Teaching
President International
President Research
Head Sustainability
& Energy Management Unit
  Steering Commitees
(Partner Universities) 


Stakeholder Mobility (both ways)

The success of the University Alliance for Sustainability is built upon the research and networking of our fellows. Our mobility program offers the opportunity of a research stay abroad to academics at all levels, from students to leading scientists, as well as to university administrators. This is our key strength: engaging people from across the university in dialogue about sustainable development.

For a detailed description of all measures and the Call for Applications please visit the page Mobility Program.

Teaching Incubators: teaching experts from all partners identify suitable degree programs and individual modules for cooperation.

Management Incubators: management staff shares best practice in sustainable campus management and develops joint projects.

Annual Sustainability Spring Campus Conference in Berlin

  • Public Events: keynotes by renowned experts
  • 2-day Research Workshops: discussion of innovative research and the development of collaborative research projects
  • 2-day Teaching Workshop: development formats for teaching, peer to peer training
  • 2-day Management Workshops: in depth exchange for senior staff in sustainable campus management
  • 2-day PhD Workshop: intensive training for doctoral students

Objectives and Milestones

  • Regular exchange of academics at all levels and management staff
  • Sustainable spring campus as an annual series where students, emerging and senior researchers, environmental and sustainability managers discuss current topics on sustainable development and share knowledge
  • International research projects (bilateral or multilateral) dealing with different aspects of sustainable development
  • Course offerings on sustainable development, including online formats, as well proposals for joint master programs (bilateral or multilateral)
  • Framework for an interdisciplinary doctoral program on questions of sustainability at Freie Universität with at least one partner
  • Experience managing strategic partnerships and transfer this knowledge to future collaborative efforts

Future Goals

  • Propelling research and teaching cooperation in designated focus areas
  • Creating a "Sustainability Toolbox" as a virtual learning platform to support lecturers and students of the UAS partner universities
  • Implementing a Future Lab to ensure the Alliance's long term sustainability