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Sebastian Stagl

Sebastian Stagl | Freie Universität Berlin

Sebastian Stagl | Freie Universität Berlin

University Alliance for Sustainability Student Research and Study Stay at University of British Columbia September - October 2015

Educational Sciences 

As part of the University Alliance for Sustainability (UAS) program Sebastian Stagl was awarded the opportunity to undertake a three-month student research stay at the University of British Columbia in order to develop his Master thesis with the following research question: “How does the current paradigm shift in the logic of work (due to technological advancements) contribute to a changing time orientation and to re-evaluation of (social) time?”

At UBC’s Department of Sociology Sebastian would like to undertake research following an interdisciplinary approach incorporating historical, sociological and economic theories.

The result of his work could potentially serve as orientation knowledge that decision makers take into account when assessing certain technological advancements as well as for developments in the working environment.

A complete report is available here.