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Exchange Options

Explorative Research Visits, 2015-2020

Based on the outcomes of the Research Incubators, leading scientists will continue discussions on future joint research and teaching activities bi-laterally with their counterparts at partner universities. To this end, two Freie Universität researchers per year will have the opportunity to travel to each partner university for one week at a time.

Senior Research Stays, 2015-2020

Senior Research Stays will focus on conducting interdisciplinary international research projects. In any given year, up to two researchers will be able to spend three to four weeks at the partner universities or at Freie Universität respectively, with the host universities in charge of providing adequate research support.

Junior Research Stays, 2015-2020

Junior Research Stays offer the same to PhD students: altogether 16 two-month stays per year will be offered for stays at partner universities or in Berlin respectively with a focus on conducting research in the field of sustainability.

Student Research & Study Stays, 2015-2020

Students have the possibility for short-term (up to three month) exchanges between Freie Universität and its partners. Stays can be used for either studies, research projects – for example a thesis – or internships at the partner universities, all with a focus on sustainability. Funding will be available for 12 incoming and 12 outgoing students per year.

Please find experiences of former research stays on our UAS Fellows page or browse through the Fellow Reports in the UAS Pool.