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Computer Work Spaces

Library Thin Clients

The University Library (UB) provides computer work spaces in the reading room and at the Information Center.

The terminals have USB ports for saving data to mobile memory devices, and they are equipped with Open Office. Users who intend to visit web sites with sound can bring their own headphones or borrow library headphones.

Thin clients, except for a few freely accessible search terminals, require a library login.

ZEDAT pool PCs

The University Library provides ten PCs with ZEDAT login in the reading room. At these terminals FU students and staff can use MS Office programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc.) as well as image-processing applications. The citation managers EndNote and Citavi are also preinstalled. Moreover, the statistics application IBM SPSS is available.

These terminals have DVD/ROM drives with burners and multiple USB ports.

Notebooks and other mobile devices

Notebooks can be used in all areas in the University Library except the silent reading room. Electric sockets, LAN und wireless LAN are provided (see: WLAN).