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Books and E-Books

In addition to some 6.3 million printed books held by the Freie Universität Berlin libraries, more and more e-books are being acquired. At approximately 1.7 million (in 2021), e-books now make up almost a quarter of the total holdings. Be sure to include them in your literature searches.

Books in the Library Portal Primo

You can filter books from your search in the library portal Primo by selecting the "Books" facet. In order to find e-books, select the "Books" and "Full texts online" facets combined.

Within the Primo search scope, you will find FU-licensed e-book as well as freely accessible books listed in the Primo mega-index; this includes sources contained in institutional repositories or open-access platforms, digitized sources provided by libraries etc. For parts of the book inventory, even chapters will show up in result lists, depending on the metadata in the Primo mega-index.

Within the FU Catalog scope, you will find FU-licensed e-books as well as print books. Chapters and articles cannot be searched.

Taking Books Out From the Central Library on Loan

The Central Library is a lending library: Over 90 percent of holdings can be taken out (see: Circulation).

Downloading E-Books

Freie Universität Berlin members and entitled users may do searches for their own use and copy a selection of retrieved data, such as bibliographic datasets including abstracts, journal articles, full texts or excerpts thereof) to memory (see: Terms of use for electronic resources).

For relevant current literature you can submit a purchase suggestion.

E-Book Collections

Please note that, as a rule, only a selection of titles from each e-book collection ia acquired, according to the Freie Universität Berlin libraries' collection profiles.

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