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A wide range of German and international newspapers, periodicals, and magazines can be accessed via Freie Universität’s online database.

A wide range of German and international newspapers, periodicals, and magazines can be accessed via Freie Universität’s online database.
Image Credit: Marc Spieseke

The University Library provides users with access to a large number of current press material, most of which is available in full text online. A complete selection – including older content – can be viewed in Freie Universität’s Datenbank-Infosystem (DBIS) by selecting “Sammlungen” (collections), then “Nachrichten- und Presserecherche” (news and media search).

Additionally, the library offers a German-language workshop on media research and fake news every semester and upon request.

As of July 2023, daily and weekly newspapers published in Berlin can either be found in the Wiso Presse database (B. Z., Berliner Kurier, Berliner Morgenpost, Berliner Zeitung, Bild, Bild am Sonntag, Jüdische Allgemeine, taz, die tageszeitung, Die Welt, Welt am Sonntag) or the Nexis Uni database (B. Z., Berliner Kurier, Berliner Zeitung, Bild, Bild am Sonntag, Jüdische Allgemeine, Der Tagesspiegel, taz, die tageszeitung, Die Welt, Welt am Sonntag). The time periods covered by each database vary.

Overview of the main databases:


The F.A.Z.-Bibliotheksportal contains full access to all publications produced by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (including their archive of podcasts).

Süddeutsche Zeitung Archiv / SZ LibraryNet

This digital archive comprises content from the Süddeutsche Zeitung dating back to 1945. The articles can also be viewed as PDFs in their original printed layout. The most up-to-date edition of the Süddeutsche Zeitung is available online from 10:00 p.m. the day before it goes into print.

Wiso (daily and weekly German-language newspapers)

The Wiso Wirtschaftspraxis Presse database enables users to search more than 120 German-language press sources (including Die Zeit, Zeit Online, Frankfurter Rundschau, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, NZZ am Sonntag, Der Spiegel, Spiegel Online, Focus, etc.).

Nexis Uni (German-language and international press)

The Nexis Uni database provides full-text access to thousands of newspapers, periodicals, and magazines (e.g., Der Spiegel, Die Welt, Die Zeit, The Guardian, The Independent, The New York Times, American Banker, El Pais, Le Figaro, Libération).

You can gain systematic access to individual or multiple newspapers, periodicals, and magazines by using the “Advanced Search” feature on the homepage (and then selecting the “News” tab and using the “Source” field to specify the publications you wish to search).

euro|topics (European press roundup)

This free website provides information on more than 500 print and online media from over 30 countries. It also gives a detailed description of the media landscape in each country in Europe.
A press review discussing the latest developments in European politics, business, society, and culture is published Monday to Friday in German, English, French, Russian, and Turkish.


  • Daily Newspaper
  • E-Paper
  • Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
  • Newspaper
  • Nexis Uni
  • Press
  • Press Archive
  • Süddeutsche Zeitung
  • Weekly Newspaperp
  • Wiso Presse