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Declaration concerning data protection in Primo / Alma

1. Responsibility, as defined in the European General Data Protection Regulation, lies with:

Universitätsbibliothek der Freien Universität Berlin (Freie Universität Berlin University Library),
represented by Management
Garystr. 39, 14195 Berlin
E-Mail: sekretariat@ub.fu-berlin.de
Telephone: +49 30 838 54224

2. Purpose and legal basis

This page describes the storage of personal data in Primo / Alma. Primo and Alma constitute the system in which the academic literature available at Freie Universität Berlin is recorded. Also, data relating to the management of loans are stored. Furthermore, Primo allows users to save queries in order to repeat searches. Person-related data is stored within the legal framework of Berliner Hochschulgesetz (BerlHG, §6 and §6a), Freie Universität Berlin Personal Data Policy, and the Library Regulations.

Parameters of master data stored:
Last name, first name, date of birth, home / private address, e-mail address, user-account validity period.

The data will be deleted automatically two years after the validity period expires if no dynamic data remain. Manual deletion at an earlier time is possible upon request – except for Freie Universität and Charité students because their data are transmitted automatically.

Furthermore, the following user-related dynamic data are stored:
Requests for items: time of request, expiration period of request
Loans: location, date and time, item
Returns: location, date and time, item
Those data will be deleted six months after the relevant item is returned.

Fees incurred; fees paid. Those data will be deleted two years after payment, in the event of legal litigation, until conclusion of litigation.

Primo allows users to save data for their own purposes: queries, titles (books, articles), favorite subject areas for improved ranking as well as rules for alerts. Those data will be deleted at deletion of account.

See Freie Universität Berlin privacy site:

Furthermore, BibTip recommender service is integrated in full record display. Transmitted IP addresses are deleted by BibTip. For details consult the privacy statement.

3. Recipients or categories of recipients of person-related data

In the context of interlibrary loans, personal data will be transmitted specifically for that purpose to the library network KOBV. Those data will be deleted after the interlibrary loan is completed.

4. Transmission to third countries or international organizations

Not applicable.

5. Rights of persons involved

6. Changes in data-protection practices

7. Data-protection officer’s contacts

Datenschutzbeauftragte der Freien Universität Berlin, Bereich Dahlem
Grunewaldstraße 34a
12165 Berlin

E-Mail: datenschutz@fu-berlin.de
Telephone: +49 30 838 53636