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German Language Classes

Starting in August 2024, Freie Universität Berlin will continue offering German language courses for displaced persons and refugees from all countries who had to interrupt their studies, or could not start their studies in their home country.

These courses are meant for those with refugee status in Germany (regardless of country of origin). This also includes Ukrainian nationals and international students from Ukraine who have fled the war.

To be eligible for these courses, proof of refugee status is required. Candidates must also reside in Berlin or Brandenburg, as courses are held in-person.

Additionally, participation in these courses implies a desire to study at Freie Universität (admission to the language course does not mean admission to a degree program at Freie Universität). In order to participate in these language courses, one must have either a direct or indirect university entrance qualification.

Places are limited All requirements for participation are met. If we receive more applications than places available, places will be atttributed by the lot drawn.

Course Structure

These university language courses are aimed at refugee students and prospective students who wish to begin or continue their studies at Freie Universität. This means that they must either have already graduated from a secondary school, or have started or completed a course of study in their country of origin. A direct or indirect university entrance qualification is a prerequisite for being able to study at a university in Germany.

  • Courses begin on August 26th, 2024, and will continue until May 2025
  • Courses begin at the B1 level, and end with the completion of the C1 level by May 2025
  • On a typical week, lessons take place Monday to Thursday between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. 


1. Your application will first be reviewed by Freie Universität’s Academic Advising team during the following time slots:

  • Wednesday, 26.6.24           2:30 pm
  • Friday, 28.6.24                     2:30 pm
  • Monday, 8.7.24                    2:30 pm
  • Wednesday, 10.7.24           2:30 pm

Participation in a meeting with Academic Advising is a requirement for consideration of admission to the language courses. All appointments are already booked.

 2. At the appointment with Academic Advising, you will receive verification that you have participated and that your documents have been reviewed. You will then apply for a place in the language courses. To do this, please send your complete application materials and the verification document from Academic Advising via E-Mail to deutschkurs@welcome.fu-berlin.de. The application deadline is July 22, 2024.

Application Materials

You must bring all of the following documents with you to your appointment with Academic Advising. After your appointment, you must send the verification document provided to you by Academic Advising, and all of the following application materials via E-Mail to deutschkurs@welcome.fu-berlin.de

  • Verification Document from Academic Advising
  • Passport or ID
  • Residence Permit (Proof of Refugee Status)
  • Registration of Address (Anmeldung) in Berlin or Brandenburg
  • Certificates of Education (Diploma or proof of university studies from your country of origin, along with transcripts)
  • A2.2/B1.1 German Language Certificate
  • Indication of desired degree program at Freie Universität (overview of the degree programs offered at Freie Universität: https://www.fu-berlin.de/en/studium/studienangebot/index.html)

Course Objectives

The university language course is designed to develop your speaking and writing skills through a targeted expansion of your vocabulary to a higher language level so that you can present and discuss information, ideas and opinions at an academic level. Particular emphasis is placed on the consistent application of self-correction. You will also develop effective reading and listening strategies and deepen and consolidate your knowledge of grammatical structures.

Certificate of performance

We expect a committed and consistent interest in language acquisition. You can demonstrate this by attending the course regularly, working constructively and productively, and coming to class prepared. Active participation, a presentation, an essay and a final examination are provided as graded examination achievements.

