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Workshop for Refugees

News from Apr 12, 2018

The Center for Academic Advising and Psychological Counseling offers a series of workshops for students with a refugee background. We would like to offer a space that makes it possible to get to know one another and deal with topics that are often not a part of every day student life; such as who to talk to about problems during your studies, how to prepare for exams, and how to write academic essays. Additionally, we will talk about how the university system works; for instance, when we take a look at the role of student initiatives, and what they have to offer. These and many more topics of discussion will be dealt with in our workshops.


Time: Every Thursday from 2 pm to 4 pm

Place: Room K009 in the Student-Service-Center, Iltisstr. 4, 14195 Berlin

The first session will take place on April 19. There is no registration necessary.


The workshops will be held in German. If you are interested in workshops that are held in English, please visit our website: http://www.fu-berlin.de/en/sites/studienberatung/veranstaltungen/index.html