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Summer School at Europäische Akademie Otzenhausen

Part of the program at Europäische Akademie Otzenhausen were lectures ...

Part of the program at Europäische Akademie Otzenhausen were lectures ...
Image Credit: Europäische Akademie Otzenhausen

... but also group work ...

... but also group work ...
Image Credit: Europäische Akademie Otzenhausen

... and role plays.

... and role plays.

Group picture with certificates.

Group picture with certificates.
Image Credit: Europäische Akademie Otzenhausen

"Moving on to Pastures New? - Germany and Europe in the Decisive Year 2017" was the title of this year's summer school at Europäische Akademie Otzenhausen which took place from July 21 until July 31. Along with ten students from ZDS Peking, also students from the DAAD centers in Seoul and Tokyo participated in the event.

News from Aug 08, 2017

As in last year, the summer school was organized by Europäische Akademie Otzenhausen together with ASKO Europa-Stiftung and Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE). The program focussed on the "hot-button issues" of 2017, such as BREXIT, refugee policies and right-wing populism, but as well the elections for the German Bundestag and renewable energies. Several excursions completed the program.