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Beginning of Studies


Image Credit: ZE Studienberatung

When you start studying at Freie Universität Berlin, many things are exciting and often new and unfamiliar. Freshmen should get first information on their course of studies and subject matters in the Study and Examination Regulations (in German). Please check out the major deadlines in the Academic Calendar and in the Lecture and Course Catalog (in German). Students studying for a bachelor degree are supported in organizing their studies by Campus Managament (in German). This system is used to register online to enroll in lectures and seminars and to learn the results of examinations.

The Center for Academic Advising and Psychological Counseling has developed the website Starting your study program that provides the most important information for freshmen. Each department has Departemental Advisors to support students in its department in planning and organizing their studies.

Student Dormitories are available through the Studierendenwerk Berlin. If you are interested, please contact them directly.
