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Orientation Days for Our Newly Enrolled Students

Dear new students,
Welcome to Freie Universität Berlin!

We would like to invite all new students to our orientation days and introductory events.
You will also find additional information in the online student assistant (OSA) GETTING STARTED and on the website STARTING YOUR STUDIES AT FREIE UNIVERSITÄT BERLIN.

All the best for starting your studies,
Academic Advisory Service & International Student Mobility – Welcome Services

Starting your study program
Studienberatung und Psychologische Beratung

This website is the responsibility of the General Academic Advising.
If you have any questions about the events for newly enrolled students, please contact us by e-mail: studienstart@studienberatung.fu-berlin.de .

Questions about studying? Simply contact the Info-Service Studium at +49 (30) 838 70000 or write to info-service@fu-berlin.de .