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Data Protection for the Purposes of Enrollment and Administering Degree Programs

Duty to Inform (pursuant to Art. 13, GDPR)


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union entered into force on May 25, 2018. In compliance with its provisions, this information is intended to help you understand how we process your personal data and your rights as a data subject (the person whose data are being processed). The information is reviewed, updated and published on a regular basis as required.


I. Data Controller

The data controller with overall responsibility for data processing is

Freie Universität Berlin

Kaiserswerther Straße 16-18

14195 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 8381

Website: www.fu-berlin.de


II. Types of Personal Data, Purposes and Volume of the Data Processing

In order to carry out the various administrative procedures required in the context of university studies – for example, in relation to enrollment, registration renewal, and registration for courses and examinations – Freie Universität Berlin uses numerous different electronic systems and applications. Freie Universität Berlin processes personal data (for example, name, address, date of birth, student number) in order to operate these systems and applications. Further details are provided below in relation to each specific form of data processing.


A. Data required for all tasks

1. Last name, any previous names

2. First name(s)

3. Date of birth

4. Place of birth

5. Sex/gender (as it appears on your identification document)

6. Home address, address while at university

7. Nationality, right to asylum, expelled or displaced person status

8. Student number

9. Email address, including encryption data (email account and university user account valid until regular withdrawal from the university upon graduation or early termination of studies)

10. Data in relation to nos. 1-3 and 5, residential address of legal parent(s) or guardian(s)


B. Data required for admission to university (qualification for university admission, notice of admission)

11. Personal email address (including encryption data), which will be used only until you have received a university email account

12. (Only if this differs from no. 10 above) Data in relation to nos. 1-3 and 5, residential address of person with legal duty of care

13. Sort data, especially ID number and authentication number, number assigned when applying for a place in a degree program to identify the qualification for admission

14. Details regarding participation in any integration measures pursuant to Section 9.2, Berlin Higher Education Act (Berliner Hochschulgesetz, BerlHG)

15. Qualification entitling the holder to admission to higher education (name of qualification, country, region, city, result, average grade, individual grades, date, regional validity)

16. Details regarding professional qualifications and activities, type and duration of professional activities or specialist knowledge, skills and training (where these are prerequisites for admission)

17. Degree program, degree subject, subject area, degree sought, mode of study, motivation statement by applicant, language proficiency, and other data required for the selection process

18. Subject-specific aptitude test (place of test, number, date, result)

19. For applicants coming from outside Germany, proof of

a) sufficient knowledge of the German language

b) where applicable, a scholarship from an organization that funds degree-seeking students from abroad

c) where applicable, origin from a developing country or a country where it is not possible to study the subject the applicant is applying for

d) where applicable, membership of a German-speaking minority abroad

e) where applicable, participation in, and completion of a preparatory course at a recognized institution (Studienkolleg or similar)

20. Type and number of semesters at university and semesters in the degree program as well as qualification obtained from studying at a higher education institution in Germany

21. If the student has studied abroad, the type of qualification, country, and duration of the study period

22. Details of study undertaken at previous and current higher education institutions if these are not captured under 20 and 21 above: name of the institution, degree program, number of university semesters, number of semesters in the program, practical semesters and semesters spent on leave or abroad, semesters spent at a Studienkolleg or comparable institution, type, result, date, and semester of examinations taken before, during, or at the end of the study program, details of grades for coursework, proof of withdrawal (Exmatrikulation), other forms of enrollment, student numbers (unless this is identical with the student number under no. 8 above)

23. Details regarding:

a) Rendering of compulsory military and alternative civilian service pursuant to Section 12a Basic Law or completion of such service or equivalent services and voluntary service in accordance with the Compulsory Military Service Act in the version as it was published on August 15, 2011 (BGBl. I, p. 1730), in the currently valid version or in accordance with the Federal Voluntary Service Act of April 28, 2011 (BGBl. I, p. 687), in the currently valid version.

b) Service as a development worker

c) Completion of service under the Youth Voluntary Service Act of May 16, 2008 (BGBl. I, p. 842), amended with Section 30 of the Act on December 20, 2011 (BGBl. I, p. 2854), in the currently valid version, or completion of equivalent voluntary service in the context of a government-funded model project

d) Time spent looking after or caring for a child under 18 or another relative in need of care

e) A duty to work in a public profession deemed essential (“keyworker”)

24. Professional qualifications (type and date obtained)

25. Reasons for and extent of any improvement of average grade or the waiting period, special reasons for the citing of undue hardship as defined under Section and Section 7a.1 of the Law on Admissions to Higher Education in the Federal State of Berlin for Programs with Admission Requirements (Berliner Hochschulzulassungsgesetz, BerlHZG), in the version that was announced on June 18, 2005 (GVBl., p. 393), last amended by Article II of the same law on May 20, 2011 (GVBL., pl. 194).

26. Result of the first university degree and reasons for a second degree

27. Payment of fees

28. Additional data specified in the appendix insofar as the degree program at the university participates in the admissions service provided by the Foundation for University Admission (Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung) pursuant to Section 1.2.2 of the Ordinance on Admissions to Higher Education (Hochschulzulassungsverordnung, HZVo) of April 4, 2012 (GVBl., p. 111), last amended by Article II of the same law of June 26, 2013 (GVBl., p. 198), and insofar as the university requires these data for its purposes in the context of said service.


C. For enrollment and registration renewal

The data specified in Part B, plus

29. Student status, semesters spent in the degree program and total number of university semesters

30. How university admission was granted: Directly by the university or via the Foundation for University Admission

31. Institute and/or department

32. Where the student is registered at more than one university: Name(s) of other university/universities, subject, degree program, degree sought, university at which the student wishes to exercise their voting rights

33. Where the student is registered for a dual study program (Duales Studium) or a degree program governed by the requirements of Germany’s civil service legislation (Beamtenrecht), details regarding the type and existence of the employment associated with the degree. For doctoral students, details of any employment contract with the university.

34. Proof of health insurance or exemption from the health insurance requirement, identifier of the insurance provider and health insurance number pursuant to the German Social Code, Book V (SGB V)

35. Proof of payment of the following fees: semester contribution to the “studierendenWERK BERLIN” student support service, contribution to the student government (Studierendenschaft) of the primary university where the student is enrolled, transportation ticket contribution, enrollment and registration renewal fees, any other fees, reasons for right to a concession applied to fees and contributions

36. Reasons that may stand in the way of enrollment or registration renewal, especially

a) exclusion from studies

b) loss of the right to take an examination

37. Issuing of welcome payment

38. Date of enrollment and start of studies at university

An overview of all the data processed in relation to enrollment can also be found on the websites of the Student Records and Registration Office.

D. Data processed in the context of leave of absence, interruption of studies, termination of studies

39. Reason for and duration of leave of absence

39. Reason for and duration of interruption of studies

40. Date of and reason for termination of studies


E. Data processed in relation to the admission of guest auditors and affiliated students and for admission, enrollment, and registration renewal in relation to degree programs pursuant to Sections 25 and 26 of the Berlin Higher Education Act (BerlHG)

42. Proof that the student meets the conditions for continuing education and training or participation in education and training courses or the requirements for a degree program under Sections 25 and 26 BerlHG

43. Degree program, subject area, semester, number of weekly contact hours (Semesterwochenstunden, SWS), fee, number and title of course, instructor, student status


F. Data processed for examinations, including electronic examinations, doctoral examinations, record of progress, e-learning

44. Record of progress (cf. no. 22 above)

45. Details and documentation that are required for examination purposes and to provide remedial support for examinations pursuant to Section 31.3 BerlHG in conjunction with the relevant Framework Study and Examination Regulations (Rahmenstudien- und prüfungsordnung, RSPO) and examination regulations of the university

46. Data required for the record of progress and for admission and correct participation in examinations or doctoral study and for issuing certificates according to the relevant degree, examination, and doctoral study regulations

47. Data required additionally to the data stipulated in nos. 44-46 above in order to carry out electronic examinations, especially electronic user recognition (user ID), password, individual examination answers and the marking for each answer, any comments by the examiners, and the overall result of the examination.


G. Data processed in the context of regulatory procedures

48. Data required for the purposes of implementing a regulatory procedure pursuant to Section 16 BerlHG.


H. Data processed in the context of preparatory courses (Studienkolleg)

49. Data required to implement the tasks specified in Section 13 BerlHG.


I. Data processed in the context of part-time study

50. Reasons for part-time study, extent of part-time study, data required to administer the part-time study program.

J. For university research and development projects

51. the data collected for the purposes specified in A-I above, in anonymous form, necessary for the implementation of university research and development projects.


III. Legal Basis

The legal basis for processing data for the purposes of enrollment and for administering degree programs is Article 6c and 6e GDPR in conjunction with Section 6 BerlHG and Sections 1ff Student Data Ordinance (Studierendendatenverordnung, StuDatVO).

The legal basis for the voluntary submission of data as part of the enrollment process is Article 6.1a and Article 7 GDPR. The legal basis for processing data for the purpose of university research and development projects is Article 6.1e GDPR in conjunction with. Section 17 Berlin Data Protection Act (BlnDSG)."        


IV. Data Recipients

Within Freie Universität Berlin, your data will be accessed exclusively for the purposes of fulfilling our contractual and statutory obligations. We will not disclose your personal data to third parties and/or further legally entitled recipients unless this is permitted by law or you have given your consent.


Within the context of enrollment in and administering degree programs, data may be disclosed in particular to the following third parties:

Family Benefits Offices (Familienkassen)

The BAföG office

Health insurance providers

The Berlin State Department for Health and Social Affairs (LaGeSo)?

The Berlin-Brandenburg State Department for Statistics (Amt für Statistik Berlin-Brandenburg)

Berlin Criminal Investigation Division (LKA), Federal Police


V. Storage Period

Your personal data collected for the purposes of enrollment and administering degree programs will be erased as soon as the purposes for which they were collected have been fulfilled, provided that there is no statutory requirement to store the data for longer.

Personal data collected where no admission or enrollment subsequently took place will be erased within a maximum of four years after the notification of the admission decision enters into force.

The following personal data of the student and of any persons named at section E above will be erased when 50 years have expired: Last name, first name, date of birth, place of birth, degree program, degree subject, student number, date of enrollment or beginning of studies at the university, date of withdrawal from the university or termination of study, and any examinations taken (type of exam, subject, date, result). All other data must be erased at the end of the four-year period following withdrawal or termination of studies. If the data have been officially archived, they do not have to be erased.

If a regulatory procedure is carried out and no regulatory infringements are identified, the relevant data will be erased two years after the termination of the procedure, unless another regulatory procedure is carried out before the deadline for erasing the data. In this case, the data are retained until the conditions for erasure of all the data have been met.


VI. Rights of the Data Subject

You have the right to obtain from the controller confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning you are being processed, and the right to request the rectification of any inaccurate data held about you.

Subject to certain conditions, you have the right to obtain the erasure of personal data, to restrict the processing of your personal data, and the right to data portability (right to receive the data and to transfer it to another data controller).

Where data processing is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent to our processing of your personal data at any time without disadvantage to yourself. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority for data protection if you believe that the processing of your data is unlawful.

The Berlin Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information can be contacted at:

Friedrichstr. 219

10969 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 138890

Fax: +49 (30) 2155050

Email: mailbox@datenschutz-berlin.de

Website: www.datenschuz-berlin.de


VII. Data Protection Officer (contact information)

Dr. Karsten Kinast, LL.M., Attorney at Law

KINAST Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

Hohenzollernring 54

D-50672 Cologne

Email: datenschutz@fu-berlin.de

VIII. Duty to Provide Data

Administrative procedures in relation to teaching and studying cannot be carried out correctly unless all the requested information is provided.

If you do not submit all the information required for your enrollment at Freie Universität Berlin by the relevant deadlines (including any extension of the deadline that may have been granted), you will generally be unable to enroll.