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Health insurance

According to Section 5.1.9 of the German Social Code - Book V (SGB V), students are required to take out health insurance coverage if they are enrolled in a state or state-recognized institution of higher education in Germany.

That is why it is necessary to provide proof of your insurance status (i.e., that you are either covered by statutory insurance or exempt from this requirement) when you enroll at Freie Universität Berlin. 

NEW! Digital Student Registration Process from January 2022 Onward

As of January 1, 2022, students have to register with statutory health insurance providers by means of a digital process. This digital process allows health insurance providers and universities to go paperless in their communication. It is much more sustainable than the previous paper-based system. Please note that we are no longer able to accept paper documents for this reason.

Please follow these steps in order to submit proof of your insurance status for enrollment:

After you have received your acceptance letter or when you are applying to register for a degree program with unrestricted admission, please contact a statutory health insurance provider as soon as possible and either take out an insurance policy (e.g., with a student rate) or get confirmation of your exempt status. The health insurance company will then transmit the information about your insurance status electronically to Freie Universität Berlin.

In order to register your insurance status with Freie Universität Berlin, the health insurance provider may need Freie Universität Berlin’s institutional tracking number (Absendernummer): H0000657. Please submit this to your health insurance provider.

Insurance options:

  • Family health insurance coverage: You are generally entitled to access your family’s health insurance plan up to the age of 25, or your partner’s if you get married. This type of coverage is subject to an income limit.
  • Statutory health insurance for students under 30 years of age: If you are not covered by a family health insurance plan, then you can take out a statutory health insurance policy at a special student rate. You can choose any provider you like. You are entitled to take out student health insurance coverage until you are 30 years of age, provided that you do not work over 20 hours per week during the lecture period.
  • Statutory health insurance for students over 30 years of age: Students over 30 years of age are not entitled to the special student rate. They can take out an insurance policy subject to the normal rate. Students over the age of 30 are not required to provide proof of health insurance.
  • Private health insurance: You can also take out a private health insurance policy or access private family health insurance via your parents. If one of your parents is a civil servant (Beamte), then you may be able to access partially reimbursed private health insurance coverage (Beihilfe).

Students who were already enrolled at Freie Universität Berlin before January 1, 2022, are generally not obliged to take any action as a result of this change. 

This only applies if you switch health insurance providers. If you switch health insurance providers, then we will need your new (statutory) health insurance provider to notify us digitally concerning this change. Please submit our institutional tracking number (Absendernummer: H0000657) to your health insurance provider.

Students over the age of 30 are not required to provide proof of health insurance.

If you are covered by private German health insurance, please contact a statutory health insurance provider as soon as possible and submit an application for exemption from compulsory insurance. Please be sure to inform the health insurance provider about the digital notification of your insurance status!

Please inform the health insurance provider about the sender number of the FU Berlin: H0000657.

Please note: You are not permitted to revoke your exemption from statutory health insurance once it has been granted; it applies for the full term of your degree program. Statutory health insurance providers in Germany offer further information on this matter.

Students coming to Germany from abroad are generally required to take out health insurance. You can take out a student health insurance policy with any statutory health insurance provider in Germany.

  • European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) for UK: Germany has a social security agreement with countries within the European Union and the European Economic Area (the Brexit agreement applies to the United Kingdom). If you are from one of these countries and are covered by a statutory health insurance policy in said country, then you can have your insurance coverage reviewed and/or validated by a statutory health insurance provider in Germany. You will generally need a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or a GHIC (in case of UK) to this end. You can apply for an EHIC/GHIC from your health insurance provider for free. This card can be presented to any German statutory health insurance provider for enrollment. Please send a request to your health insurance provider for them to send us your insurance status. You should state our institutional tracking number, H0000657 (Absendernummer), when doing so.
  • If you are not from a country in the European Union or are unable to access a health insurance policy from your home country, then you must take out health insurance in Germany. Please take out a German health insurance plan just before or immediately after arriving in Germany. You can consult the “Information for Applicants/Prospective Students” section for an overview of your insurance options.
  • Please note that travel insurance does not constitute sufficient health insurance coverage for the term of your degree program in Germany and cannot be accepted as proof of insurance. Travel insurance merely covers you for the duration of your visa and your journey to Germany before the semester has begun.

If you reach the age of 30 while studying in Germany, you can continue to be covered by your statutory insurance policy albeit at a higher rate. Please consult your health insurance provider for their terms and conditions. Students over the age of 30 are not required to provide proof of health insurance.

Example Health Insurance Card (Gesundheitskarte): Insurance number

Example Health Insurance Card (Gesundheitskarte): Insurance number

You can find information concerning your health insurance provider’s company number (Betriebsnummer) on its website or by sending an inquiry.

You can find your insurance number (Versicherungsnummer) on the front or back of your health insurance card (Gesundheitskarte). The number must consist of one letter and nine numbers. Example: A123456789

If you did not receive your insurance card yet, please wait to receive a welcome letter from your insurance. The letter will state your insurance number.

If you have any questions regarding student health insurance, please get in touch with your statutory or private health insurance provider immediately. 


  • digitalization
  • Health Insurance
  • statutory health insurance
  • student health insurance