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German Language Skills

German language skills are required for German-speaking, continuing education master’s programs if you haveearned your degree at a university abroad.

For German-speaking continuing education master’s programs it is required to demonstrate German language skills at the level of DSH 2 in accordance with the German higher education entrance examination (Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang ausländischer Studienbewerberinnen und -bewerber, DSH) or by means of equivalents  to the DSH.

If you are not yet able to prove skills at the level DSH 2, you have to prove a minimum level of German language skills based on the following certificates for application:

  • C1 CEFR certificate with grades
  • TestDaF with at least level 4 in two parts and level 3 in two parts (f.e. 4/4/3/3)
  • language evaluation test, which attests skills at level C1 CEFR
  • DSH 1

In case of admission, you will receive an invitation for the DSH exam together with your notice of admission.

We strongly recommend submitting your German language certificate (DSH 2 or equivalent) together with your application for the master’s program.

» continue with "Application with German and non-German Degree"