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International Club

Since 1990, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany has sponsored more than 80 Local Student ERASMUS Initiatives at German universities. At Freie Universität Berlin, a group of FU students voluntarily organizes the DAAD-affiliated International Club. Not only do these students take care of incoming students who are in Berlin for a semester or more, they also help outgoing students prepare their studies abroad. The members of the International Club will help you with all kinds of matters, whether of bureaucratic or academic nature or issues concerning everyday life in Berlin. You can contact them if you have any questions regarding extracurricular activities or cultural events or if you are just looking for a student community that you can spend your free time with. By managing more than 80 cultural and academic events, the International Club furthers international exchange at Freie Universität Berlin and contributes considerably to a successful and fun stay in Berlin.