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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a direct exchange?

With the direct exchange program, students of the Freie Universität can study for one or two semesters abroad at one of our ca. 90 partner universities worldwide. Students receive a full tuition waiver at the partner university; some universities additionally offer various forms of scholarships to cover living expenses (for example, monthly stipend, free housing, health insurance coverage, etc.).

The application for an Erasmus+ worldwide exchange, which includes a travel allowance and a monthly stipend for the period of stay abroad, is also integrated in the direct exchange application process. This means that, when you apply for direct exchange placements which also have Erasmus+ placements available, you are automatically considered for an Erasmus+ scholarship. The selection committee chooses which students recieve the available Erasmus+ scholarships.

When should I begin planning and preparing my stay abroad?

Every program has slightly different requirements and deadlines. In most cases, the application deadline is already 8 - 11 months before the beginning of your stay abroad, so we recommend that bachelor students inform themselves beginning in their second semester at the latest. Master students should already begin preparing before their first semester.

How do I prepare for the TOEFL?

First of all, it is important that you register for the test fairly early. Especially in the beginning of the winter semester, exam dates can be completely booked. We therefore recommend an early registration on the ETS website. Here you can find further information on how to prepare for the TOEFL test.

Which additional financial aid options are there besides the direct exchange?

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports individually organized exchange years. Stays up to six months can also be financed by the PROMOS program. Another option is applying for BAföG. There are several private and public foundations that also financially support a study abroad stay: Detailed overview of further financing possibilities.

Can students who are not German citizens apply for the direct exchange program?

Yes, German citizenship is of no relevance. This is also applies to the PROMOS application.

Important notice for regular, degree-seeking students from abroad who do not have German citizenship and hold a visa/residency permit for a limited, fixed period of time to study at Freie Universität: 

If you are planning to undertake a stay outside of Germany related to your studies and wish to leave the country for over six months, you are obliged to immediately get in contact with the Berlin Immigration Office (Landesamt für Einwanderung – LEA) before commencing your stay abroad.

You will need to request written confirmation from us regarding your planned stay abroad and submit this statement to the LEA with your approval request. 

Please attend to this matter without delay, as otherwise you may lose your visa and/or residency status when you return to Germany after your stay abroad.

Can I apply for several direct exchange programs?

An application for up to three different regional programs per academic year is possible. However, the application deadlines may differ, meaning you could already recieve an offer for one program while you await the selection process for another program, and must decide to accept or forgoe the first offer without knowing the outcome of the other program application. For further information consult the individual program websites or come talk to us at office hours.

Can the direct exchange be combined with other scholarhsips?

Yes. This is not only possible but highly recommended.

Do I have to take a leave of absence from the Free University during my time abroad?

This decision is up to you. Either way, you will not lose your place at Freie Universität. Leave semesters do not count as study semesters (so-called "Fachsemester") and therefore do not count towards the standard study period in a degree program ("Regelstudienzeit"). This may be relevant for examination deadlines. Here you can find further information about a leave of absence.

Will the credits I earn abroad be counted towards my degree at Freie Universität?

The recognition of credit points and grades earned during your time abroad is solely up to your department ("Fachbereich") and depends on your study and examination regulations. We recommend to talk to your professors/examination and study office about credit recognition before starting your stay at the partner university. Here you can find further information about recognition of credits from abroad.

Can I enroll in all courses at the partner universities?

The partner university decides about course admission. Attending a course at a different level -- e.g. enrolling in a graduate class as an undergraduate students -- is sometimes possible. It is usually helpful to contact the lecturers of your preferred courses directly and ask them for admittance.

Can I finish my studies abroad and get a degree from the partner university?

No. You are not allowed to graduate from the partner university and will only be able to stay for the agreed period of time.

Can I do research for my thesis abroad?

Yes, you can research for your final thesis during your time abroad and use all their resources, e.g. the library. However, your thesis must eventually be handed in at your home department and can not be graded abroad.

Can I travel or do an internship before or after my semester/year abroad?

Yes, you can organize your time before and after your stay independently. However, it is important to adhere to your specific visa and scholarship regulations - in some cases you might have to return home within a certain period of time after your semester ends.

What impact will the Covid-19 pandemic have on future study abroad?

As the global health situation continues to be dynamic, we unfortunately cannot make any binding statements about studies for the Winter Semester 2022/23. The cancellation or digitalisation of an exchange is possible insofar as we cannot estimate the pandemic situation in a year from now. Various factors will play a role here, such as the COVID-19 situation at the time of the intended exchange and any existing entry restrictions. Provided the partner universities cooperate, we will initially proceed with nominations as planned.

In the academic year 2021/2022, the rule for postponing mobility was that certain study places were postponed to the following semester at the request of the students concerned and with the agreement of the partner university, without further places from the FU contingent being credited for this purpose. Postponing was only possible into the following semester (from WS to SS) or, in the case of two-semester stays, shortening to one semester. This regulation applied to all students who received a place for 2021/22, but not to the next academic year (2022/23).

At this time, we are unable to provide any binding information as to whether this regulation on deferral will also apply in the upcoming academic year 2022/23 due to the pandemic. We will inform you about any news in the further course of your application at the partner university and the preparation of your stay and go through your options together with you.