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Recognition of Study Achievements from Abroad

 The recognition of study achievements completed at the host university is an important step towards completing your Erasmus+ semester abroad. Please contact us after your return from abroad or after receiving your Transcript of Records.

The following procedure applies:

  1. After returning to Berlin, students must hand in the Transcript of Records which they obtained at the host university, as well as the Learning Agreement (“After the Mobility”, p. 6 and 9-10). Furthermore, students must indicate which courses they would like to have recognized as part of their studies at the FU.
  2. If a student wishes to receive credit for his study achievements, they must complete an application at their department and submit the Learning Agreement ("After the Mobility").
  3. The department processes the application and if applicable, recognizes the study achievements from abroad and issues a recognition certificate. The decision will be made upon the basis of rules and regulations from the European Commission (see Learning Agreement, p. 6, table F).
  4. The Examination Offices forward the recognition certificate to the department of International Student Mobility- Ms. Erthner (Erasmus Outgoings).

Further information and contact details for this process can be found here.