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Exchange Opportunties

All faculties of the Freie Universität participate in the Erasmus+ program and the Swiss-European Mobility Program, having arranged agreements with more than 300 partner universities abroad.

The exchange places are offered on a subject-related basis. This means that FU students can apply for the exchange places of the FU institute at which their course of study is offered. Exchange places at other institutes are not available for selection.
Only students who study several subjects at different institutes have the possibility to apply for the exchange places of different institutes. The exchange places of the institute where their core subject is offered as well as the exchange places of the institute where their module offer is offered.

Students studying the Bachelor degree programs (also for teacher training) German Philology, English Philology, French Philology, Italian Philology, Portuguese-Brazilian Studies, Spanish Philology and Language and Society as well as students studying the Master degree program Linguistics can additionally apply for Erasmus+ places of the Language Center.

A semester abroad at one of the partner universities is possible for each field of study.

We kindly advise you to read available reports and information brochures about the vast exchange opportunities, and inform yourself on the websites of the partner university you are interested in before applying.

Additional information about the responsible Erasmus coordinators can be found on the decentralized websites of the faculties and institutes at each university.

Depending on the Erasmus+ contracts of your Department/Institute the following Programme Countries are available:

  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • Czech Republic 
  • Croatia
  • Cyprus
  • Denmark 
  • Estonia 
  • Finland
  • France
  • Greece
  • Hungary 
  • Iceland  
  • Ireland
  • Italy 
  • Latvia 
  • Lichtenstein 
  • Lithuania 
  • Luxembourg 
  • Malta 
  • Netherlands 
  • Norway 
  • Poland 
  • Portugal 
  • Republic of North Macedonia 
  • Romania
  • Sweden 
  • Switzerland (as part of the Swiss-European Mobility Program) 
  • Serbia 
  • Slovakia 
  • Slovenia 
  • Spain 
  • Turkey 
As a result of the Brexit referendum and the resulting withdrawal process of the United Kingdom from the EU, the UK partnerships of Freie Universität Berlin will run through the Direct Exchange Program from the academic year 2023-24 and will no longer be part of the Erasmus+ Europe Program.

Information about the program and the application can be found on the website of the Direct Exchange Program at: https://www.fu-berlin.de/studium/international/studium_ausland/direkt/Programme-und-Ausschreibungen/da_uk/index.html