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FAQ Erasmus+ Praktikum

Preparation of the internship abroad

In principle, this is possible. Depending on whether and how much Erasmus+ contingent (12 months in total per study phase) is still available to you, you can apply several times. If you are not sure, please contact us.

No, as an Erasmus+ trainee you must not be enrolled at the university, even if you are doing your (research) internship there.

In principle, the writing of theses abroad is not eligible for funding through Erasmus+. However, the preparation or research phase can be funded as an internship. The research results obtained can then be used for the final thesis.

Yes, you have the possibility to receive funding within the 12 months after graduation. This is then a so-called graduate internship. It is important that the application is received during the last phase of your studies, i.e. as long as you are still enrolled at the FU. In addition, you must submit your exmatriculation certificate to us.

If the application deadline of two months before the start of the internship has already passed and you are already preparing your application documents, please contact us. Then, depending on the status of the application documents, we can decide individually whether we can still provide funding.


No, please enter two different persons as mentor or supervisor. On the one hand, this should be your main contact person during the internship. The second person can also be someone from the administration/human resources department.

Yes, it is advisable to inform yourself about the topic of international insurance while preparing your application documents. For your internship you will need health, accident and liability insurance for abroad. If you are insured by your host organization during your stay, please ask what exactly the insurance covers. Often, the insurances only take effect at the workplace and on the way to work, but not during your free time. In the case of remunerated internships in other EU countries, you may have to be covered by health insurance on site abroad. Get detailed advice from your health insurance company. After you have applied for a scholarship, we need the insurance declaration, which we will send to you promptly.

In the Monitoring Plan field, you should enter the extent to which you will be supervised at the internship institution (e.g. through weekly meetings or feedback rounds). The Evaluation Plan field should indicate what the final evaluation at the end of your internship will consist of (e.g. in the form of a final interview, a presentation or a report).

If your planned project is a compulsory internship, it is best to contact the internship officer in your department. This person will confirm that the internship abroad will be credited to you at a later date. If it is a voluntary internship, you can contact a professor in your department with whom you have already attended a course, for example, regarding the learning agreement and the signature. The aim here is to have the content of the internship confirmed as being related to your studies.

During the Erasmus+ internship

If you have the possibility to extend the internship period, you can fill in the Learning Agreement during the mobility and have it signed again by all parties. Only what really changes should be entered here. Submit this document together with the updated insurance declaration one month before the original end of the internship. We will then check whether the extended period can be funded. This depends on the available funds as well as your remaining Erasmus+ quota.

If you want to finish the internship abroad earlier than agreed in the Learning Agreement, please let us know promptly. In this case, the Learning Agreement during the mobility does not need to be completed. A shortening is possible, provided that the minimum period of 2 months (60 days) is fulfilled. Otherwise the funding has to be paid back proportionally.

After the Erasmus+ internship

Please submit your final documents by e-mail within one month after the end of the internship. Only when all documents are complete and correct can the second funding installment be paid.

As part of your graduation documents, you must submit an internship report. Here you have the opportunity to share your experience with other students. We will be happy to publish your report in anonymized form on our blog, where all interested parties can get inspiration. Therefore, we welcome detailed reports incl. photos (ideally city or landscape shots without faces).