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Nomination deadline:

Winter term and whole academic year: 1 May
Summer term: 1 November

Please be so kind and send all your nominations (except for Medizin/Charité: International-Students@charite.de) to: incoming@fu-berlin.de.

Please ask your student/s to register and apply here as soon as possible after you have send the nomination/s: https://fuberlin.moveon4.de/form/57dbbca284fb968f030ec848/eng

Please note:

  • BA students will only receive ECTS credits if they complete courses at the host institution. Therefore, they will not receive any ECTS credits from the host institution for BA-related research they undertake. The home institution is responsible for accrediting BA students with ECTS credits for research completed at the host institution.

  • Master students need to send a bachelor certificate OR a transcript of records with 180 ECTS credits to incoming@fu-berlin.de. All master programs are consecutive master programs at D BERLIN 01. A consecutive master’s program builds on a previously completed bachelor’s program in the same field. MA students will only receive ECTS credits if they complete courses at the host institution. Therefore, they will not receive any ECTS credits from the host institution for MA-related research they undertake. The home institution is responsible for accrediting MA students with ECTS credits for research completed at the host institution.

  • PhD students need to send a master certificate to incoming@fu-berlin.de. PhD students will only receive ECTS credits if they complete courses at the host institution. Therefore, they will not receive any ECTS credits from the host institution for PhD-related research they undertake. The home institution is responsible for accrediting PhD students with ECTS credits for research completed at the host institution.

  • It is not possible for students to hand-in their final BA-/MA-/PhD-thesis at the host institution. Final theses need to be graded by the home institution.