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German Skills for Studying and Applying at Freie Universität Berlin

German language skills on a high level are an essential precondition for studying.

Only if you participate in an exchange program or if you have an appropriate approval from the doctoral committee in charge for your doctoral project, then you do not need German language skills. Please note that some master's programs taught in English also require a low level of German language skills!

Enrollment (Immatrikulation)

For enrollment you have to prove German language skills by submitting one of the certificates listed below. The certificates must not be older than three years.

Enrollment in the Bachelor's degree program Deutsche Philologie (all course components) as well as in the Master’s degree program Deutschsprachige Literatur (both majors):

  • TestDaF with level 5 in all four parts
  • DSH 3

Enrollment in other degree programs:

  • DSH 2
  • Telc C 1-Hochschule
  • C 2-Zertifikat des Goethe-Instituts
  • Deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz - Zweite Stufe (DSD II)
  • Feststellungsprüfung des Studienkollegs (Assessment Exam of the Studienkolleg)
  • TestDaF with at least level 4 in all four parts

IIf you are not able to present any of the above-mentioned certificates with your application, but meet the minimum German language requirements for application (see below), you will have the opportunity to take the German Language Test for University Admission (DSH) at Freie Universität Berlin on one of the dates offered if you are admitted. Detailed information about the DSH is available on the website of the Language Center of Freie Universität Berlin (in German only).

In general, we recommend that you obtain proof of the German language skills required for enrollment already in your home country.


When applying for a degree program at Freie Universitaet Berlin you have to prove at least German proficiency at level C1 CEFR by submitting one of the following certificates:

  • C1 CEFR certificate with grades
  • TestDaF with at least level 4 in two parts and level 3 in two parts (f.e. 4/4/3/3)
  • language evaluation test, which attests skills at level C1 CEFR
  • DSH 1

Proof of German language skills must be uploaded to the application portal of Freie Universität Berlin by the application deadline.

In general, we recommend that you obtain proof of the German language skills required for enrollment already in your home country.

For the Master's degree programs Interdisciplinary Latin American Studies and Critical Dance Studies, proof of German language skills on the level B2 CEFR is required for application only.

For the Master's degree programs Biodiversity, Evolution, Ecology and Biology proof of German language skills on the level A1 CEFR is required for application only.

German Skills for the Studienkolleg

In general, it is advisable to submit a proof of German language skills at level C1, as only the evaluation of the university entrance qualification (HZB) will determine whether you have to attend the Studienkolleg or can apply for a degree program directly.

However, if you are sure that you have not obtained a direct HZB with your certificate from your home country and you need to attend the Studienkolleg, German proficiency at level B2 is sufficient.

For level B2 CEFR the following proofs are accepted:

  • DSH-1
  • TestDaF with at least level 3 in all four parts
  • B2 CEFR certificate with grades from a language school
  • language evaluation test, which attests skills at level B2 CEFR
  • proof of attendance for C1 language course (ongoing or completed course)

Proof of German language skills must be uploaded to the application portal of Freie Universität Berlin by the application deadline.

Learning German

The Language Center of Freie Universität Berlin offers pre-semester courses and semester-long language courses for students of Freie Universität Berlin.

There are no DSH preparation courses. All applicants can use the Centre for Independent Language Learning for individual exam preparation.