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Image Credit: Ehsanullah Attiq / Student Marketing and Communications, Freie Universität Berlin

Hello peasants (oh nooo, my Leo Sun accidentally slipped),

My name is Le [pronunciation: /liː/ (I know it's kinda weird… but it ain’t my fault!)]. I’m 20 years old and originally from Oranienburg, Germany, but have been living in Berlin for more than a decade now.

I am currently in my fourth semester, pursuing my bachelor's degree in chemistry. I spend a lot (and I really mean A LOT) of my time at the FU, mostly in the campus library (I recommend their Learning Lounge on the ground floor) or in the Arnimallee 22, typing away some lab reports, stressing about upcoming exams or yapping with a friend. When I’m not at uni, then I’m at home, napping or reading or yapping with a friend over the phone. Once a week, you can find me at Edeka as well, buying spaghetti with a Barilla pesto.

Since I started studying at the FU, I’ve been growing and learning with and from my fellow students. I hope to be able to show you guys that studying at Freie Universität, even if it comes with its hardships, can also be fun. I wish you a great journey and hope you make an infinite amount of good memories during your stay.