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I need a certificate with an official stamp for a specific purpose. Can I get one from the Student Records and Registration Office?

Yes, we're happy to issue you with individual certificates for a fee. To request one, click on “Create request” in the Self-Service portal and then select “Replacement Certificates/Replacement Campuscard” from the drop-down menu. In the next drop-down menu select “Other/individual certificates (fees charged).” Please provide as much detail as possible about what the certificate is for and what it needs to say in the free text field. You can then submit the request.

Please do not submit a request for an individual transcript of records! The Student Records and Registration Office is not authorized to issue certificates regarding performance. Please contact the appropriate examination office.

Once you have submitted the request, you will see it under“Replacement Certificates/Replacement Campuscard” in the left-hand panel. Open the link and be sure to check the information under “Fees.” There you will find the relevant information for making a payment via bank transfer including your individual personal transaction purpose code (“Verwendungszweck”).

Please note:
Certificates and/or confirmation letters in relation to official forms – for example, forms required for BAföG, the DRV (the German pension system), the tax office, child benefit payments, survivor's pension for orphans, etc. – will not be issued separately. You should use your current enrollment certificate, which you can download from the self-service portal.

The electronic certificate can be verfied with a stamp from the Student Records and Registration Office.