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Where can I find a certificate for the extended period of study due to the COVID-19 pandemic?

Screenshot Self-Service: Create Request

Screenshot Self-Service: Create Request

Screenshot Self-Service: Download Documents

Screenshot Self-Service: Download Documents

If you were enrolled at the Freie Universität Berlin in the 2020 summer semester, 2020/2021 winter semester, 2021 summer semester or 2021/2022 winter semester and did not take a semester on leave, you are eligible to print a certificate for an individualized period of study, which extends the standard period of study by one semester free of charge.

To request a certificate, please access the Self-Services and click on "create request" at the bottom of the screen. This opens a drop-down menu where you can select the request you want. Please select "certificate for individual standard period of study". This will open a further drop-down menu. Please select the semester for the certificate.

Click on "Submit".

The submitted request will appear in the sidepanel. Click on "documents" tab to view or print your document.

According to Section 126a of the Berlin Higher Education Act (BerlHG), in conjunction with paragraph 1 "Verordnung zur individuellen Regelstudienzeit auf Grund der COVID-19 Pandemie" from 11.12.2020 (GVBl. 2021 p. 2) an individualized period of study applies, which extends the standard period of study by one semester.

The following study programs/degrees are not eligible to receive a certificate for an individualized period of study.

  • Doctoral Degree (Promotion)
  • Studienkolleg
  • Studienkolleg Preparatory Courses
  • Preparatory Courses Welcome Program
  • Exchange Programs

If you took a leave of absence during the 2020 summer semester, 2020/2021 winter semester, 2021 summer semester or 2021/2022 winter semester, you are not eligible to receive a certificate for an individualized period of study either.

Further information (in German): https://www.berlin.de/sen/wissenschaft/aktuelles/pressemitteilungen/2020/pressemitteilung.1031735.php