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How do I make changes to my name?

There are three ways of changing your name via the Student Records and Registration Self-Service portal.

1. Official change of name/ corrections

If you have legally changed your name or if it was incorrect (e.g., misspelled):

Enter your changes into the "Change of Name" self-service request form and upload an official document confirming your (new) name (e.g., marriage certificate, identification document, court order) under the "Attachments" tab. Click on “Submit.”

While your request is reviewed by the Student Records and Registration Office, its status will be “To be verified”.

Once it has been processed, you can also adjust your email address on the Zedat-Portal.

2. Display name

If you would only like to use a name on the online platforms of Freie Universität Berlin that differs from your legal first name, then please enter your preferred name in the “Display Name" field (German: “Rufname”). Please only enter one first name and not your last name. Otherwise, your last name will be displayed twice.

Your preferred name will then be displayed on the following platforms: Webex, Blackboard, Box.FU, ZEDAT portal, the Outlook Exchange email server.

While your request is reviewed by the Student Records and Registration Office, its status will be “To be verified”.

Once it has been processed, you can also adjust your email address on the Zedat-Portal.

3. Change of name for Trans, Intersex an Non-Binary Students

If you would like to change the first name that is used on all university documents and online platforms – without having legally changed it (if you are trans, intersex, or non-binary):

On the “Change of Name” self-service request form, enter your chosen name in the “First Name” field. Then upload a scan of your dgti supplemental identification card (ID) (both sides) together with this Declaration of Consent (PDF) under the “Attachments” tab. Please combine the documents into one file.

Then click on “Send.” 

While your request is reviewed by the Student Records and Registration Office, its status will be “To be verified”.

Once it has been processed, you can also adjust your email address on the  Zedat-Portal.

Note concerning the validity of your dgti supplemental identification card

If your identity card/or passport and accordingly, your dgti card expire, please send us a copy of the new card immediately. You can simply send an email to info-service@fu-berlin.de.

For further information on the terms and conditions please take a look at the website of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Transidentität und Intersexualität e.V. (dgti).

„Der Ergänzungsausweis ist nur gültig in Kombination mit einem amtlichen Personaldokument und enthält deshalb beispielsweise die Nummer des Personalausweises. Da er somit an diese Nummer gekoppelt ist, fällt die Geltungsdauer mit der des amtlichen Dokuments zusammen, das heißt, wenn ein neuer Personalausweis benötigt wird, muss auch ein neuer Ergänzungsausweises beantragt werden.“

You can find further information on changing your name here.