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Research for Animals

Die Freie Universität ist eine der fünf Ausbildungsstätten für Tierärzte in Deutschland.

Freie Universität is one of five universities in Germany that train veterinarians. It is also an internationally renowned location for veterinary research.
Image Credit: David Ausserhofer

Dem Fachbereich Veterinärmedizin gehören an den drei Standorten Berlin-Düppel, Berlin-Dahlem und Berlin-Mitte fünf Tierkliniken und 15 wissenschaftliche Institute an.

The Department of Veterinary Medicine has three campus locations in Berlin-Dahlem, Berlin-Düppel, and Bad Saarow. It has five animal clinics and 15 academic institutes.
Image Credit: Bernd Wannenmacher

The Department of Veterinary Medicine at Freie Universität Berlin is one of five institutions in Germany offering training for veterinarians. It is an internationally renowned center for veterinary services as well as for veterinary research.

News from Aug 20, 2015

The Department of Veterinary Medicine is located in Berlin-Dahlem, Berlin-Düppel, and Bad Saarow. It has five veterinary clinics and 15 academic institutes. From the beginning of their studies, students enrolled in veterinary science as well as those working toward a doctorate in the field can gain insight into both the traditional and the current working areas of veterinary research.

Studying and Earning a Doctorate

After completing their degree at the Department of Veterinary Medicine, graduates may work as licensed veterinarians. Those interested in a research career in the field are given comprehensive advice regarding the development and implementation of their own research projects and in applying for external funding.

Doctoral Degree Program in Biomedical Sciences

Working together, the Department of Veterinary Medicine and the Department of Biology, Chemistry, and Pharmacy offer outstanding students a doctoral degree program in Biomedical Sciences It was set up in 2008 under the auspices of Dahlem Research School and is a graduate training program in the field of basic and applied life sciences. In 2013 an FAO Reference Centre for Veterinary Public Health was set up at the Department of Veterinary Medicine at Freie Universität.


At the Department of Veterinary Medicine there is a particularly broad spectrum of different scientific research profiles. This diversity makes it possible to successfully deal with complex problems using different approaches through interdisciplinary collaboration. Particular areas of emphasis in the department are, for example, research on microbiota and probiotics, food safety and product quality, pathogen-host interactions and zoonoses, and diseases of the central nervous system (CNS).

International Ties

Scientists at the department are active in national and international commissions – in EU bodies as well as in professional societies, professional associations, and chambers of veterinary surgeons.

The International Animal Health unit conducts international postgraduate training programs in the Department of Veterinary Medicine. Three master’s degree programs focus on current challenges of veterinary medicine in specific regions of the world. The Veterinary Public Health program focuses on the Asian Pacific region, while the Food Chain Management program focuses on Latin America, and the Epidemiology program on Africa. Each master's degree program is conducted jointly with partner universities and health institutions in the region and is concluded with a jointly conferred master's degree from Freie Universität Berlin and one of the partner universities.

Through the ERASMUS exchange program, students have an opportunity to spend one or two semesters abroad. The Department of Veterinary Medicine has cooperation agreements with numerous universities in Europe.

Veterinary Literature

The holdings of the Veterinary Medicine Library include more than 160,000 volumes. In addition to recent publications on veterinary research and related fields, research can also be conducted here with literature reaching back to the 16th century.

The Veterinarium Progressum is the department’s education center for its approximately 500 employees as well as external participants.

In addition to the Department of Veterinary Medicine, there are eleven other academic departments and four central institutes at Freie Universität:

Academic Departments

Central Institutes