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Economics and Scholarship

Wirtschaftswissenschaften sind der beliebteste Studiengang in Berlin

Members of the School of Business and Economics at Freie Universität work closely with national and international partners from industry, academia, and society.
Image Credit: Bernd Wannenmacher

The School of Business and Economics at Freie Universität combines business administration, economics, and information systems. It offers students a wide range of subjects and combinations, and its research meets top international standards.

News from Jun 22, 2015

Business administration at Freie Universität focuses on management, marketing, FACTS (finance, accounting, controlling, taxation), and computer science for business. Besides the bachelor’s degree program in business administration, there are three research-oriented master’s degree programs: Management and Marketing, FACTS, and information systems. In addition, the Executive Master of Business Marketing has been offered for more than 25 years as a part-time distance-learning program, which was augmented with a China Europe Executive Master of Business Marketing in 2015.

The Economics Department is particularly strong in research. Besides the bachelor’s degree program, there are graduate programs leading to a Master of Science in Economics or a Master of Science in Statistics, the latter being offered jointly with Humboldt-Universität and Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, as well as with Technische Universität Berlin.

For young economists wishing to specialize in the analysis of government actions on markets, there is an opportunity, unique  in Germany, to enroll in the Master of Science in Public Economics program. The team of economists is regularly supplemented by internationally renowned economists who come to Freie Universität as visiting professors through the Deutsche Bundesbank Chair. They conduct research and teach courses in the master’s programs.

Excellent Opportunities for Doctoral Studies

The School of Business and Economics is involved in many graduate programs. One of them is the Doctoral Program in Business Research, a member of Freie Universität’s Dahlem Research School (DRS). Another is the doctoral program in business research or the Berlin Doctoral Program in Economics & Management Science that is supported by the Einstein Foundation Berlin. In the Research Training Group (RTG) Interdependencies in the Regulation of Markets Freie Universität along with all the major academic institutions in economics in Berlin offers outstanding young researchers a full-time, internationally competitive doctoral program.

Currently, more than 2200 students are enrolled at Freie Universität’s School of Business and Economics with over 20 coming from abroad. The International Office is the focal point for all the School’s internationally oriented activities. The library of the School of Business and Economics with about 600,000 volumes is the largest of its kind in Berlin. It offers numerous online resources.

Numerous Collaborations

The School of Business and Economics is represented with a professorship at all three central institutes at Freie Universität that have an economics department: John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Latin America Institute, and Institute for East European Studies. In research and teaching it cooperates closely with Freie Universität’s Department of Law and with the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) and the Social Science Research Center Berlin (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin). In addition, there are numerous connections with economic researchers from home and abroad.

In addition to the School of Business and Economics, there are eleven other academic departments and four central institutes at Freie Universität:

Academic Departments

Central Institutes