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Workshop | Open Access in 60 minutes (English)

06.07.2022 | 14:00 - 15:00

An offer by the Center for Digital Systems for all members of Freie Universität, especially Researchers and library staff


All members of Freie Universität, Researchers who publish their research (e.g. journal articles, book, research data), staff who support researchers in publishing, library staff

Open access means legally, technically, and financially free access to research publications, which is granted, for example, through open-access journals or publishing in instutitional repositories. As part of its commitment to open access to scientific information, Freie Universität Berlin encourages all university members to publish the results of their research digitally according to the open access principle without restrictions. In this brief introduction, we explain the most important basic requirements. 


  • What does Open Access mean?
  • What guidelines on Open Access exist at Freie Universität?
  • What Open Access policies are in place statewide, nationally, and by major (international) funding agencies?
  • What services are available to support Open Access funding?
  • What other services are available to support Open Access?

Further information and the registration form can be found here.

Zeit & Ort

06.07.2022 | 14:00 - 15:00

Online via Cisco WebEx