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AiS/BCGE-Training: Digital Repression Across Borders: Methods, Risks and Responses

14.09.2023 - 15.09.2023

Horário Brasília (BRT)

This trainings webinar is designed for international, displaced and at-risk scholars of the AiS-network as well as international scholars who are members of the Berlin University Alliance (FU Berlin, TU Berlin, HU Berlin, Charité) and researchers affiliated in research projects at BUA (postdoc and PhDs). The two-day workshop introduces prevalent methods of digital transnational repression and highlights some of the security risks that scholars originating from repressive contexts may be exposed to while working in Germany and other countries. The workshop aims to help participants assess potential threats to their personal safety and information security, and develop strategies to mitigate those risks.

Applications should be sent to ais@fu-berlin.de with the subject line: Application - Training "Digital Repression” until 18 August 2023.


The training is organized by Academics in Solidarity (AiS) at FU Berlin in collaboration with the Berlin Center for Global Engagement (BCGE) at Berlin University Alliance.  

Time & Location

Sep 14, 2023 - Sep 15, 2023
