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Sebastian Brandt

Sebastian Brandt studied physics at Freie Universität. He currently lives in New York City and works as a financial analyst.


Sebastian Brandt

Sebastian Brandt
Bildquelle: Private

What special memory/memories do you have from your time at Freie Universität?

Walking through mountains of fallen plane tree leaves on Arnimallee on my first day on campus. Drinking coffee in the student café on old couches. Writing my first email (ever) from the department’s computer lab. Smoking a cigarette with my math professor in his office after a successful Vordiplom oral exam.

What is the most important thing you learned here?

Solid physics, math, and programming skills

What advice would you give your younger self today?

Buy Apple stock or, even better, crypto currency.

If I could give Freie Universität a present for its 70th birthday…

... I would wrap it nicely.