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Mattheis Carley

Alumnus Mattheis Carley from Chicago participated in FUBiS, the International Summer and Winter University of Freie Universität Berlin.


As part of FUBiS summer term 2009 Mattheis Carley took courses as “Architectural History of Berlin” and “Media Ethics”.

As part of FUBiS summer term 2009 Mattheis Carley took courses as “Architectural History of Berlin” and “Media Ethics”.
Bildquelle: Mattheis Carley

What special memories do you have from your time at Freie Universität?

Some of my fondest memories are of beautiful summer days spent swimming and picnicking at Schlachtensee. There was this giant tree with a rope swing to jump in the lake. Climbing up the slippery steps was precarious and added to the thrill. I hope it’s still there!

What is the most important thing you learned here?

There are so many different people in the world and yet we are all one human family. Be curious about other cultures and how we can better work together during our brief time on this little blue marble.

What advice would you give your younger self today?

Don’t pack so much stuff! Travel light and live with less.

If I could give my university a present for its 70th birthday…

... it would be endless funding and the ability to freely give others the same opportunity to study abroad. It was truly a life changing experience.