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Naji El Choubassi

Originally from Lebanon, Naji El Choubassi received his M.A. in Biochemistry from Freie Universität in 2017. He is currently a doctoral student at Charité.


Naji El Choubassi in front of his alma mater during a photoshoot for the Freie Universität Office of News and Public Affairs.

Naji El Choubassi in front of his alma mater during a photoshoot for the Freie Universität Office of News and Public Affairs.
Bildquelle: Bernd Wannenmacher

What do you miss from your time at Freie Universität Berlin (people, places, special features)?

  • The international atmosphere,
  • the great help you get from everyone,
  • workshops in front of the Mensa and the free bags full of goodies and ads :),
  • the Philological Library ("The Brain"),
  • the beautiful Campus Library in the "Holzlaube,"
  • the huge Mensa II and the Veggie Mensa, 
  • the Freie Universität Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry where I studied during my stay – the Hahn Meitner Building has so much history behind it I am so honored to have worked and studied there,
  • in general, the great facilities offered for students,
  • and I would have never met many of my friends in the German classes.
  • Lastly, I would not have become a face of Freie Universität without the photoshoot session, where my photos were on the university website and social media channels! That was so honoring and I am grateful for that. :D

Which experience, meeting with a particular person, or event at Freie Universität has special significance for you?

I met my best friend in a tandem program organized by the Freie Universität Language Center.

If I could give my university a present for its 70th birthday…

...I would give so much love to everyone who made this amazing institution what it is today!