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Shoshana Feingold-Studnik

Shoshana Feingold-Studnik studied Business Administration and received her PhD in Economics at Freie Universität.


Alumna Shoshana Feingold-Studnik became an entrepreneur.

Alumna Shoshana Feingold-Studnik became an entrepreneur.
Bildquelle: Privat

What do you miss from your time at Freie Universität Berlin (people, places, special features)?

I met great lifelong friends and had the most inspiring time during my studies.

Which experience, meeting with a particular person, or event at Freie Universität has special significance for you?

I learned that you can reach your goals if you stay focussed. We were an amazing group of friends who were there for each other.

Which advice would you give your younger self today?

Work hard, stand up, and enjoy life.

If I could give my university a present for its 70th birthday…

...it would be the advice to keep up your good job and stand up for freedom and justice!