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Blanca González

From 2003 to 2004 alumna Blanca González studied romance philology and linguistics at Freie Universität Berlin.

Blanca González spent one semester as Erasmus student at Freie Universität.

Blanca González spent one semester as Erasmus student at Freie Universität.
Bildquelle: Privat

What special memories do you have from your time at Freie Universität?

Eating with all the FU students at the Mensa.

What is the most important thing you learned here?

Besides all the academic ones, the most valuable lesson for me was living and learning in wonderful Germany.

What advice would you give your younger self today?

Enjoy all the moments, even the difficult ones, because they are going to be enlightening experiences!

If I could give my university a present …

... I would plant a tree as a gift. That the genarations to come could watch it grow and symbolizing thus the university as a personal growth. And in future it could be seen as a part of now and then scene ;)