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Poornima Kalra

Alumna Poornima Kalra received a scholarship from FUBiS and completed a B2 course at Freie Universität Berlin in 2021.

Poornima Kalra

Poornima Kalra
Bildquelle: privat

What special memories do you have from your time at Freie Universität?

I met some really amazing people across the globe. I really miss my fellow mates and my professor. Those four weeks were the best time of my life. Although I didn‘t get the chance to meet everybody offline because of the pandemic, it was fun to meet everybody virtually. I really hope I get a chance to meet everybody offline as well in future.

What is the most important thing you learned here?

I learned about different cultures of various countries. I learned how to do team work and I was also able to improve my German speaking skills. Before, I was not very confident and always felt nervous while speaking German, but now I think I can speak confidently without any nervousness.

What advice would you give your younger self today?

I would like to advice my younger self to always be confident and have faith in yourself. Work hard everyday and you will achieve great heights one day.