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DFG und FAPESP feiern 10-jähriges Bestehen ihres Kooperationsabkommens

News vom 30.11.2016

Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) und der São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) bietet zahlreiche Fördermöglichkeiten für deutsche und brasilianische Forscherinnen und Forscher. Anlässlich des 10-jährigen Jubiläums der Zusammenarbeit in der Förderung von Kooperationen in allen Fachbereichen zwischen brasilianischen und deutschen Forscherinnen und Forschern geben die DFG und die FAPESP einen Überblick (auf Englisch) über die gemeinsamen Förderinstrumente, die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern aus Deutschland und dem Bundesstaat São Paulo zur Verfügung stehen:

Initiation of a bilateral collaboration

For the initiation of bilateral collaborations DFG and FAPESP continuously offer the possibility to submit proposals for funding research stays, guest visits as well as workshops. German applicants wishing to receive funding by DFG for this purpose have to follow the guidelines and criteria of the programme “Initiation of International Collaboration”. Researchers from the state of São Paulo applying to FAPESP may submit proposals according to FAPESP’s programmes for international collaboration. Proposals to both funding organisations can be submitted at any time in the respective funding programmes. Funds are provided by DFG and FAPESP according to their own criteria and guidelines. [...]

Joint Research Grants

At any time, researchers from Germany and the state of São Paulo can submit research proposals in order to receive funding to perform jointly a German-Brazilian research project. German scientists applying to DFG have to follow the eligibility criteria and guidelines of the programme “Research Grant”. Researchers from São Paulo shall submit the joint proposal to FAPESP considering the programme “Regular Research Grants”. Funding can be provided for research projects up to three years according to a co-funding scheme. [...]

Joint Coordinated Programmes

FAPESP and DFG offer funding for bilateral jointly Coordinated Programmes, such as bilateral Research Training Groups, Research Units as well as Collaborative Research Centres. Groups of German and Brazilian researchers wishing to perform a coordinated project within those funding lines should follow the guidelines of the respective programmes of DFG. Joint proposals shall be submitted to DFG according to the particular submission procedures of DFG. In parallel, the Brazilian principal investigator of the group in the state of São Paulo shall submit the same proposal considering the FAPESP´s programme “Thematic Projects”. Both funding organisations, FAPESP and DFG, will perform a joint evaluation procedure and decide together about funding the respective bilateral project. [...]

Weitere Informationen auch zur Antragstellung und die Kontaktdaten der Ansprechpartner bei DFG und FAPESP finden Sie hier.

Quelle: DFG-Büro Lateinamerika

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