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Cooperation in education and research for analysis with mass spectrometry (COOPERA-MS)

This project aims to strengthen the academic relationship between the Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, (FOPCU) in Egypt and the Institute of Pharmacy of Freie Universität Berlin (IOPFUB) in Germany. It will open a new channel of academic exchange that will be of great benefit to the academic staff of both IOPFUB and FOPCU. Post-graduate students, lecturers and researchers will receive further technical training in mass spectrometry and data analysis. Having hands-on training using the instrument available at IOPFUB will provide the researchers of FOPCU the practical knowledge required to operate the instrument, analyse varioussamples and increase their competences in mass spectrometry that will allow better research oriented teaching of students. Staff members and post-graduate students at IOPFUB will benefit from the possibilities of international networking and broaden their intercultural experiences.

The project objectives will be implemented through academic exchange in two major steps: a workshop on high end technology, namely mass spectrometry will be held in Egypt organized by FOPCU, presented by Prof. Parr and supported by 2 further researchers from IOPFUB, for 30 academic staff members. Further training in smaller groups will intensify the interactive workshop character. The main aim of this workshop is to transfer high-end technology knowledge to the Egyptian staff resulting in competent researchers. The second step will involve a short visit (6 weeks) of two researchers from FOPCU to IOPFUB in order to work on real samples, gain practical experience on the instrument and train on data analysis.

The project outcomes will be sustainable as the knowledge transferred will increase the competence of the academic team members to develop a more advanced academic curriculum, where they will be able to share and teach others to spread the knowledge. Furthermore, the Egyptian side is planning to apply for further funding to buy a mass spectrometer instrument through a capacity building fund offered by Egyptian funding agencies such as the Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF) or the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT) once they become competent enough and able to operate the instrument. As an extension of the cooperation, even after the project has ended, the IOPFUB is offering their expertise during the selection and purchasing process of the mass spectrometer and the set-up in the lab. Being aware of the current pandemia and the negative effect on individuals mobility, the workshop may be replaced online and a virtual lab will be facilitated by purchasing and installing the mass spectrometer instrument software for the Egyptian side, where data analysis and interpretation can be performed on real sample data collected at the FU Berlin laboratory.

  • Funding authority: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)

  • Duration of the project: 01.09.2021 - 31.12.2021

  • Scientific coordination: Prof. Dr. Maria Kristina Parr

  • Project partners: Cairo University, Egypt
