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Doctoral Fellowships in Ancient Philosophy. Apply now!

Apply by 15 December 2015 for the three-year doctoral program in Ancient Philosophy and Science to begin in October 2016.

News vom 15.11.2015

The Research Training Group *Philosophy, Science and the Sciences* is pleased to offer a number of fellowships for doctoral studies in Ancient Philosophy and Science. The overarching aim of the program is to study the dialogue between different forms and models of knowledge in ancient Greek, Roman and Arabic thought (including its medieval and early modern reception). It brings together philosophers, classicists, Arabists and historians of science. We are interested in hosting doctoral projects in any of these fields and expect dissertations to deal *both* with some special science *and* with philosophy.

Students in the program normally go through the curriculum of the doctoral program of BerGSAS Ancient Philosophy, which leads to the doctoral degree in Philosophy or Classics. It includes colloquia, dissertation seminars, reading groups, international workshops, and intensive short courses. The program centers on the writing of a doctoral dissertation (in English or German). The language of instruction is English. When appropriate, students might follow the curriculum of the BerGSAS program History of Ancient Science instead.


The closing date for applications is 15 December 2015.

Applications online at http://ancient-philosophy.hu-berlin.de/doctoral-program/application

Enquiries: irma.handwerker@hu-berlin.de
