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Postdoc Fellowships for 2014 at the Dahlem Research School

18 Postdoc Fellowships in two funding lines: 6 COFUND-2014 and 12 POINT/REGAIN-2014 fellowships. Deadline for applications: 15 September 2013

News vom 16.07.2013

Dahlem Research School at Freie Universität Berlin has established a research fellowship program to provide funding for outstanding postdoctoral researchers from all disciplines to conduct their own research project at Freie Universität Berlin. The aim is to support highly-qualified postdocs with international research experience and to integrate them into the university’s research networks in an early phase of their career.

Dahlem Research School offers

                        18 Postdoc Fellowships 

  in two funding lines: 6 COFUND and 12 POINT/REGAIN

Starting in Spring 2014, each research fellowship will be awarded for 18 months.

The call is open to experienced researchers of all disciplines and all nationalities who

· hold a doctoral degree (the dissertation must be submitted and proof of this must be available by the application deadline)

· completed their doctoral degree no longer than 6 years before the deadline (starting with the date on the doctoral certificate)

· have not lived in Germany for longer than 12 months during the last 36 months before the deadline.

Returnees from phases of international, inter-sectoral and/or non-academic mobility (such as researching outside Germany, working for industry or after a career break e.g. due to family reasons) are specifically encouraged to apply.

Applicants have to submit a project plan based around one of the following research fields/ key topics of the participating Excellence Projects or Focus Areas:

COFUND-2014 (6 fellowships)
  • Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies (BGSMCS)

  • Graduate School of East Asian Studies (GEAS)

  • Topoi - The Formation and Transformation of Space and Knowledge in Ancient Civilizations

  • Berlin-Brandenburg School for Regenerative Therapies (BSRT)

  • Berlin Mathematical School (BMS)

  • NeuroCure

  • Unifying Concepts in Catalysis (UniCat)

POINT/REGAIN-2014 (12 fellowships)
  • Center for Area Studies (CAS)

  • Dahlem Humanities Center (DHC)

  • Dahlem Centre for Plant Sciences (DCPS)

  • Dynamics of Aging (DynAge)

  • NanoScale


Deadline for applications: 15 September 2013

For further information's on the Fellowships including the Funding, Selection procedure and Application please download the Call for Application




