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10 Doctoral Grants at the Graduate School of North American Studies

The Graduate School of North American Studies invites applications for 10 Doctoral Grants starting October 1, 2016. The application deadline is January 31st.

News vom 22.11.2015

The Graduate School of the John F. Kennedy-Institute for North American Studies invites applications for the academic year 2016/2017. The School's interdisciplinary program investigates the social, economic and cultural changes impacting the United States and Canada at the beginning of the 21st century. Particular attention is devoted to the crisis-prone transformations running through American society today. Areas of emphasis include domestic and foreign policy, conomic development, ethnic identity and relations, as well as recent transformations in media, art, literature, culture, and religion. The language of instruction is English.

Applicants interested in pursuing a doctoral research project with an emphasis in North American Studies must have a completed degree (Master's or equivalent) with above average marks in one of the following disciplines or closely related academic programs: American Cultural Studies, American Literature, History, Political Science, Sociology, and conomics, and are expected to submit an outline of their doctoral research project.

Doctoral grants are awarded for a maximum of three years; candidates with children are eligible for a fourth year of funding and a child allowance according to DFG regulations. Continued funding is dependent on the candidate's performance and positive annual evaluations of his/her work.

Doctoral scholarships amount to 1,500 € per month

The application deadline is January 31, 2016. The application form and all relevant details can be found here-> 
