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1st Proposal Writing Workshop for Social Sciences in Cairo


A one-day workshop organized by Cairo Liaison Office and co-instructed by Dr. Riham Bahi, Cairo University and Dr. Mustafa Abdalla, Freie Universität Berlin on writing a successful proposal. 

(Photocredit: Hoda El Mahgoub)

On 27th December 2018 the Cairo Liaison Office organized a "Proposal Writing Workshop for Social Sciences". Graduates of social science disciplines that are aiming to pursue their postgraduate studies or their research career in Germany were invited to register for this workshop.

The one-day workshop was co-instructed by Dr. Riham Bahi, Associate Prof. of Political Sciences at the Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences, Cairo University and Dr. Mustafa Abdalla, Research Associate at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin. The workshop gave the participants an overview on the essentials of proposal writing including tips and tricks on what to do to increase their chances of writing a successful proposal. Due to its interactive nature, it furthermore gave them the opportunity to discuss their own research proposals in working groups, which the participants felt as a big benefit. The skills learned during this workshop included not only proposal writing but also research designing. Participants also learnt how to apply what they learned to writing research papers, dissertations, projects and/or grants. The overview on the German funding landscape with a hands-on example of an actual call for proposals of a German funding institution was another highlight of the workshop.

Check here the photo album of the 1st Workshop on Proposal Writing for Social Scienses!

FU Berlin’s Proposal Writing workshop is moving to Egypt’s Delta!

Following the success of the 1st Proposal Writing workshop for social sciences that was organized in Cairo by the Cairo Liaison Office of Freie Universität Berlin and as we believe in the strong potential that is available outside of Egypt’s capital, this time we are moving to the Delta.

In partnership with Mansoura University IRO we are delighted to announce that our next “Proposal Writing Workshop for Social Sciences” will take place at the University Development Center of the Mansoura University on the 15th April 2019.

If you are a university graduate of any of the social science disciplines aiming to pursue your postgraduate studies or career in research in Germany, then this is the workshop that you should register for. Stay tuned to our Facebook page to find out where it will be held next time!
