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FU Berlin Cairo office celebrates Ramadan with its Alumni!


An evening to share memorable experiences and highlight recent and past success stories, fruitful discussions and valuable ideas for cooperations in the future!

(Photocredit: Eman El Mokadem)

On the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan the Cairo office was more than happy to welcome some of its alumni to its very first Iftar held in Cairo. The Iftar gathered alumni from various fields, such as veterinary medicine, Egyptology, biology, German studies, political sciences and more. After breaking their fast, the head of the Cairo Liaison Office, Ms. Hoda El Mahgoub presented the opportunities that the FU Berlin alumni can make use of, such as the FU Berlin Alumni Program. Furthermore all attendees engaged in a very interesting discussion about future cooperation possibilities between the alumni and the cairo office.

If you are a Freie Universität Berlin alumni living in Egypt make sure to register, or update your data on the following link, to get informed about all upcoming events and activities that will take place in Cairo or in Berlin. Registration link here.

See the photo gallery here 
