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FU Berlin at the 1st COSIMENA Meta-Conference “Digital Development and Challenges in the MENA region”


The Meta-Conference was aiming to discuss digitalisation's contribution to the Arab regional development and to find out the rooms of cooperation between Germany and the MENA region to support and mentor the digitalisation process.

Within the framework of COSIMENA’s 1st Meta-Conference on “Digital Development and Challenges in the MENA Region” Prof. Dr. Daniel Fürstenau, Freie Universität Berlin / Einstein Center Digital Future held a lecture that is an extremely interesting and relevant topic for Germany, the region and worlwide, namely "Digital Health Transitions in Perioperative Care" on 17the June in Cairo.

The 1st COSIMENA Meta-Conference on Digitalisation titled “Digital Development and Challenges in the MENA Region” focused on 3 specific clusters: Health, Urbanism, and Cultural Heritage. The conference aimed to bring together intellectual leaders and leading development practitioners from Germany and the MENA region, to build on the research that has already been raised in the past recent years and to add to the current discussion on the extent of the digital reality in the region as well as the future of it. The Meta-Conference served as a platform to discuss the various forms of current successful concepts on the theme, the challenges as well as the opportunities to cooperate cross-regionally and with Germany.

