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Newsletter_1/2016| Freie Universität Berlin Cairo Office


AUC Graduate Study Fair

Meet representatives of the FU Berlin at the Graduate Study Fair on 24 September 2016 to know more about our graduate study programs

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Study Information Day for German Schools

Freie Universität Berlin hold an Information Session at the Deutsche Evangelische Oberschule (DEO) in Dokki for German Schools Students in Egypt

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Presentation of the Handbook on Equal Opportunities in the Egyptian Higher Education Sector

The result of the three-year cooperation project "Gender Equality in Higher Education"

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Dialogues on Social Innovation (DSI)

Talks are animated by contributions from two scholars from Egypt and Germany to present new developments in specific disciplines and institutions

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The German Science Days 2016 for Outstanding Egyptian PhD and Post-Doc Candidates

A unique opportunity for the PhD and Post-Doc candidates to establish a first-contact with German professors, and to present their proposals.

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FU Berlin Cairo Office at "Build a future 2016"

More than 300 students and parents attended the event on 17. & 18. July 2016 in the Greater Cairo Public Library

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FU Berlin Cairo Office participated in its first Webinar

The first joint Virtual Information Session organized by four partners of the German Science Center

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Freie Universität Berlin is One of Six Best Universities in Germany

QS World University Ranking 2016/2017: Freie Universität is among the six best universities in Germany and 123 worldwide.

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Get Your Math PhD in Berlin

Apply for a PhD in mathematics with a bachelor or a master. For admission in 2017, applications will be accepted again from 15 September 2016. First deadline: 1 December 2016

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New Funding Program "Higher Education Dialogue with the Muslim World"

Fund for cooperation projects between higher education institutions in Germany and in the Muslim world

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Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships at the Graduate School Global Intellectual History

12 doctoral fellowships and 1 postdoctoral fellowship. Deadline is September 15, 2016

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Graduate Research Training Program PharMetrX

An interdisciplinary PhD program, bridging pharmacy and mathematics

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Arabic Courses in Cairo at the Center of Excellence of Ain-Shams University

Courses for beginners and advanced students in Modern Standard Arabic, Media Arabic as well as regional dialects

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