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DWZ organises Energy Experts Conference "Re-Thinking Energy: Scientific Input – Social Output"


Providing a secure national energy supply, while ensuring a balanced exhaustion of the available energy potential and a constant development of the obtainable energy efficiency potential, is at the core of socio-economic development for a country. For this reason the DWZ supports numerous Egyptian-German research collaborations in this field that shall be brought into dialogue with each other and external experts at the conference “Rethinking Energy: Scientific Input –Social Output” to be held on 8 November 2015 at the premises of the DWZ in Cairo.

Goal of the conference is to impart and deepen understanding of the complexity of the multidimensional nature of the topic energy. Through an interdisciplinary approach complex interrelations shall be emphasized and discussed with Egyptian partners. Ranging from the expansion of renewable energies, via socio-economic implications, up to the adaptation of energy consciousness within the education sector, the whole range of the topic will be analyzed and recommendations for action developed.    

Zeit & Ort


at the premises of the DWZ in Cairo
