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Fareen Shaikh

For the last decade, Fareen has pursued herpassion for people as a Human Resource consultant, talent hunter, and career advisor. She is driven by her desire to help others discover, and ultimately do what they love. Originally from India, now residing in Berlin - she has worked with international organizations to develop their hiring processes, design job descriptions, review resumes of applicants, and screen them for their culture/values.

Throughout her career, she has been approached by several great candidates who applied for opportunities but never heard back. Her team often overlooked these candidates because their application documents weren't tailored to match the job descriptions, or their LinkedIn profiles didn’t provide an engaging overview of their careers. She has also seen candidates with great profiles who fall short of their interviewing skills

Her aim is to make students more independent in their job search. Through her personalized workshops, she guides them to build confidence in their decisions, documentation, and demeanor. Her expertise lies in providing workshops for all job search-related topics from job search strategies, and application documents to interviewing and networking with the right professionals to navigate the hidden job market.

Fareen Shaikh

Workshops und Seminare