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PhD Workshop China 2015

21.11.2015 - 24.11.2015

At the PhD Workshop overseas universities and research schools present their PhD programs, scholarship opportunities, and get in contact with excellent Chinese postgraduates and PhD candidates. The FUB-Beijing Office will interview PhD candidates who are interested in the FUB-CSC PhD Program, starting their research stay in September 2016 in Berlin. 

To apply to an appointment with the head of the FUB-Beijing Office, Ms. Beate ROGLER, please follow the instructions on the following website, http://www.phdchina.org/phd/english/visitor/s_register.php

November 21-22, Beijing

Time: 9 am - 5 pm

Venue: Swissotel Beijing, Ballroom 2F

Address: No. 2 Chao Yang Men Bei Da Jie, 100027 Beijing, China

November 24, Shanghai

Time: 1 pm - 6 pm

Venue: Okura Garden Hotel Shanghai, Grand Ballroom 2F

Address: 58 Maoming Road (S.), 200020, Shanghai, China

Zeit & Ort

21.11.2015 - 24.11.2015

Beijing, Shanghai